Kids and Kiddos

Hey there, I’m so glad you stopped by! As a mom to 3 daughters, and moving with my husband 10 times in the last 20 years I’ve met a lot of different families from many different backgrounds and cultures. I have learned without a doubt that kids are kids, hence the name, and most parents want to do what’s best for their kids. I’m not a perfect mom, but I would love to share what I’ve learned and what I’m still learning if it can help another family in any way.

When I’m not writing and working on my website, I stay busy working part time as a Registered Nurse and living all the adventures that come with being married to a Soldier, raising 14, 11, and 6yr old girls, and keeping up with our dog. We currently call the Huntsville, Alabama area home.

Dress Like a Cow Day at Chic-Fil-A